Friday, July 13, 2012


I'm back
Life lately has been kinda crazy the past month
My Nannie had a heart attack and had to have a five way bypass surgery June 13th(wow its been a month today) that was her 2nd heart attack she had one years back as well and almost didn't make it they had to bring her back to life. 

Let me tell you a little about my Nannie and our relationship
first off she me means the world to me she means more to me than anyone or anything!!!
she is the sweetest,most caring person i know she would do anything for anyone and i mean anyone shes the type of person that trys to give a person walking down the street a ride thank goodness she doesn't do that anymore, times aren't the way they used to be, anywho i have lived with my gma since i was 16 years old and even before that i was always with her, and i dk what i would do without her in my life!!!

So back to the surgery
after the surgery the doctors tell us(me and my mom)
that the surgery went well and that she should live a long life "if" she does what she is supposed to do by taking her meds right,eating right, and losing weight! so she comes home after two wks of being in the hospital. my mom my sister a few of my grandmas friends and I have to take care of her which is no big deal whatever it takes to get her healthy and back to normal! so were all weighting on her hand and foot,making her food,helping bathe her, just everything okay, the docs also told her she couldn't drive and she needed to rest and get better otherwise this surgery was useless so she laid around the house maybe 3 days tops then she having her friends come and get her and take her places or i would take her yes i would tell her no but she would get mad and i didn't want to upset her so i did it.. then she started not eating cookies and shit okay she has diabetes shes not supposed to have that kinda stuff!!

Wed. the July 11th
I come home on my lunch break from work and she has some bags packed i ask her where she is going she tell me to Jerrys( her bf... ill get back to him later)
so I'm like okay well have fun and be careful and i love you so i go back to work come home after work and she not here so I'm thinking shes gone already, I'm relaxing on the couch about twenty min later my phone rings its my nannie she tells me to come outside and get something so i go out there get it! i ask her do you have your cell phone,charger,all your meds, her nebulizer(she also has severe asthma) she tells me yes so i tell her again i love you be careful ill see you in a couple days!
I go back inside and my mom calls(balling her eyes out and tell me you know Nannie moved out shes going to live in Picknyville with Jerry! Talk about freaking the hell out wtf my gma just left me that's not like her at all shes not supposed to going anywhere her health isn't good and to be an hr in half away from her family and not even tell us wtf she was doing so i have been freaking out and crying for days now its ridiculous this is not like her at all then she tell us yesterday that she was going to stay there for a wk stay here for a wk so we are all okay with that its better than not ever seeing her! Then she tells us that she has changed her mind shes going to live her life out there which might only be for a few years because she isnt doing what she is supposed to do! i don't understand it at all me and my mom have told her Nannie your going to live that far away with a man that just got divorced a few months ago
Lets talk about this Jerry guy!!!
My gma has been in love with him since she was 16 and they were going to run off together until my great gpa caught them  well within the past year or so she started talking to him again and he was coming around the house and stuff and i just don't really care for him hes a cheater for one hes been married four times hes controlling hes just not right for my gma and i have tried to tell her that they're not 16 anymore things have changed! i dont think he loves her i think that hes just lonely i mean his wife just left him(hes not used to that hes the one that leaves) he has always dated younger women i mean what does he want with my nannie!!!  i have never gone over a wk without seeing her and dont want to i want her to be happy and she can live with him if she wants but move closer not that damn far away!!! ppl are not understanding and act like everything is going to be fine but its not i will not be able to just walk in her room and hug her and tell her i love her whenever i want its going to be like she is gone like she has died and i hate this feeling im starting to cry again so im going to end it here i just want my nannie home!!!!!

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